Cupcake Conundrums

“STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS”

Some people feel they are relieved of stress by eating desserts.  Not me, I don’t even really care for cake.  *lol*  I rarely eat the cupcakes or cakes I make, I just enjoy creating them.  And the frosting (which I don’t care for either *lol*) on top for me?  The enjoyment everyone else gets out of my tasty offerings.

I also enjoy trying my hand at fine-dining meals at home, but that is for another blog, some other time.  This will be dedicated to all things sweet!  Be it cupcakes, pies, cookies, pastries, drinks or ice cream… You name it, I’m going to share it.  From the awesome to the utter failures.  It’s not a true adventure without peaks and valleys, right?  And hey, maybe I’ll post a failure and you have some trick, technique or ingredient that might turn that around.  I’m open for suggestions!

Ideally, this would be a career path for me.  I have created special treats for friends and family, but it hardly pays the bills.  So, I keep my day job and will do this as often as I can, when I can.  I have 2wo young Daughters that take a special interest in “helping”, but mainly devouring the baked goods around here.  I will try to incorporate some easily-assisted-by-eager-children recipes as well, if these are things you would like to try for yourselves.

All photos will be taken by me, of the actual outcome of said recipes.  Good, bad or *ewww*.

Also, if you’re just starting out or are interested in any tricks or shortcuts I might have to offer, just ask!Image